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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date Views
13 아론의 축복 기도문을 논하라 (본문: 민6:24-27) - 양혜랑 전도사 Admin 2014.05.17 851
12 목사직의 성경적 목적과 태도를 논하라 (본문:딤전4:11-12) 양봉래 전도사 Admin 2014.05.17 698
11 성막을 논하라(본문:출25 / 26 / 27) - 정다윗 전도사 Admin 2014.05.17 795
10 목사직의 성경적 목적과 태도를 논하라(본문:딤전4:11-12) - 정명희 전도사 Ryuda 2013.12.15 4336
9 성막을 논하라(본문:출25 / 26 / 27) - 유해옥 전도사 Ryuda 2013.12.15 2005
8 여호와의 절기를 논하라(본문:레23) - 김혜남 전도사 Ryuda 2013.12.15 2040
7 ”Researches on the Evangelical Linguistics for Christian English Education with Basic Patterns & Quotations Collected from God's Words of the Bible”. - Young Dae Lee Ryuda 2013.12.14 1978
6 "A Study on the Strategic Plans for the Establishment of Identity as the 2nd Generation of Korean-American Immigrants toward World Mission" - Meung Hee Joung Ryuda 2013.12.14 1954
5 “A Study on the work of The Holy Spirit appeared in the Acts” - Hae Nam Kim Ryuda 2013.12.14 1766
4 "A Study on the Mind of a Child and Heaven" - Hae Ok Yu Ryuda 2013.12.14 1712
3 “A Study of Church Growth and Ability of Minister “ - Sung ill Lee Ryuda 2013.12.14 1807
2 “A Study on the current state of Practical theology viewed from the Latin Catolics and Protestant missions” Sang Ho Choi Ryuda 2013.12.14 1841
1 박사학위논문 심사결과 발표 Ryuda 2013.12.14 2383
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