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List of Articles
No. Subject Author Date Views
33 'Discuss the Pastorship of the Biblical Purpose and Attitude' - Doyle David Kim Admin 2015.01.09 2775
32 'Describe the Full Gospel and the Pentecostal' - Hae Sook Park Admin 2015.01.08 888
31 해외 아시아 11회 목사고시 구술시험 - 서정임 전도사 Admin 2014.12.13 880
30 해외 아시아 11회 학위논문 발표 심사 - 심사위원 Admin 2014.12.13 751
29 "A Study on mother's leadership for children's education with a pattern as the central of Israel Parents" - Yong Seob Kim Admin 2014.12.13 1307
28 "A Study on the Day of Yahweh in Book of Amos at the Old Testament and Modern Mission" - Yong Gil Kim Admin 2014.12.13 1351
27 서울 11회 학위논문 발표 심사 - 심사위원 Admin 2014.07.10 860
26 Full Gospel 과 Pentecostal을 논하라 (본문: 행2) - 양사라 전도사 Admin 2014.07.10 961
25 "A Study on the Ministry and Settlement of the Early Church" - Sarah Hyunhee Yang Admin 2014.07.10 826
24 "A Study for Seven Subjects of the Revelation" - In Cheol Ahn Admin 2014.07.10 798
23 "The Effect of Difference on Social Welfares" - Jong Pal Bag Admin 2014.07.10 759
22 "A practical study of self-supporting mission for the world mission" - Woo Bhok Rhee Admin 2014.07.10 732
21 "A Study of Faith life Based on the Holy Spirit" - Moses Jungho Seo Admin 2014.07.10 766
20 "A Study on Evangelical Theology and Evangelical Preaching" - Kyung Sook Park Admin 2014.07.10 735
19 "A Study on the evidence of Jesus through the Feast of Passover and unleavened bread" - Jong suk Seo Admin 2014.07.10 800
18 "A Study on the name of Yeshua Redemptive History" - Youngsik Ku Admin 2014.07.10 802
17 "A Study on Church Growth through Difference" - Ho Hyoun Youn Admin 2014.07.10 620
16 ”A Study on Error of the Tabernacle Construction" - David Daekee Chung Admin 2014.05.19 770
15 "A Research of Eschatology through the Recovery of Israeli State” Jin Sook Kim Admin 2014.05.19 680
14 ” A Study on the Direction to go of the Secularized Church " Hae Rang Yang Admin 2014.05.19 4181
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