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Finally Here! sung by Arie Goldwag

2009.09.22 06:02

전윤근박사 Views:2068 Recommend:173

마침내 오신 메시아 by Arie Goldwag  Finally Here

As he walked home from yeshiva,
a sound reached his ears
clear and majestic, unmistakably near
Joy filled his heart
HE'S FINALLY HERE!!! Moshiach's finally here!!!
He ran all the way home
said to his dad,
"Did you hear it - the shofar
or am I going mad?"
"Not now, my son,
can it wait 'til later, when the business news is done."
Where is our hope, our faith, our pride?
Where's the desire, the love deep inside?
When we say we want Ben Dovid to come
We can't fool ourselves or the Holy One.

She heard it, at first faintly
a note long and clear
steadily the sound grew
'til it was all she could hear
Joy filled her heart
HE'S FINALLY HERE!!! Moshiach's finally here!!!
She rushed to the kitchen,
got on the phone.
"Sister, can you hear it
or is it me alone?"
"Can you call back tonight?
I'm facebooking now, so I hope it's alright..."

When we finally hear the shofar
After all these many years
Our emotions can run deeply
moving us to tears
Joy will fill our hearts
WHEN HE'S FINALLY HERE!!! When Moshiach's finally here!!!
We must strengthen our hope, our faith, our pride.
We can find the desire, the love deep inside.
When we say we want Ben Dovid to come
We can reconnect to the Holy One.
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